location :長野県長野市
site area : 80.56 ㎡
size : 136.46 ㎡
structure : Steel-frame structure
構造設計:大岡 彰/エスフォルム構造設計事務所
Galvanized sheets
Living room
Living room
Living room
Living room
Entrance void
Toggle switch
This plan lies in the edge part of the area of the landscape conservation project which is done around Nagano station.
Although the client had houses near this, I acknowledged the replacement by the block arrangement at an early stage? Yes, but the given land is a place where I want to tilt my head as to whether it will be formed as a house.
In Tokyo, it is the site area of the narrow housing level that is becoming more common, but considering the regional nature of Nagano, it is not yet general.
In addition, there are several huge buildings in the vicinity,? It is not very residential scale.
Moreover, as it is in the process of development, it is visible that we will change rapidly.
I am designing the subject of design as to how to make a deal with such surrounding environment.
Buildingly, three floors are prepared except for the warehouse, and it is layered as one floor one room.
Currently there are few families, but there are things in the future as well, and we are planning to have two household houses, the first floor is the parent household, the third floor is the son’s second floor as the shared kitchen.
In terms of budget, increasing the footprint and reducing the floor is overwhelmingly advantageous, but here I do not take that approach and I’m taking a way to make the stacking that will dare to increase the building height.
It is also to respond to this environment, it is nothing but a manifestation of intention that the client lives here.
Furthermore, I pierced a hole like an air garden in the middle (not to say very much).
Consideration is given to how to enter into problems in two-family houses by sharing this with the main entrance.
Although it is a very simple thing in terms of a plan, on the wall to emphasize the hole to be drilled? A flat iron plate is attached.
And, depending on the module of the iron plate, the number of divided pieces is 51 glass + 15, which is the origin of the name.
When looking at the surrounding building group, each is built like an independent spire.
It may be because there is room on a certain meaning site, but I do not feel that it is adjacent like Tokyo.
This house also shares a way of building to participate in that house.
As the years passed, the surroundings environment will change drastically, but I hope that it will be dignified without being buried in the surroundings.
クライ アントはこの近くに住宅があったが、区画整理による換地を早い段階で認めたそうだが、与 えられた土地は、住宅として成立するのか首を傾げたくなる場所である。
東京では、もはや一般的になりつつある狭小住宅レベルの敷地面積だが、長野の地域性を考 えると、まだまだ一般的ではない。
そんな周辺環境とどのように折り合いをつけていくかということをデザインの主題 として設計している。
建築的には、倉庫を除いてフロアを3層用意して、ワンフロアーワンルームとして積層して いる。
現在の家族は少ないが、将来的な事もあり、二世帯住宅として計画しており、1階を 親世帯、3階を息子世帯2階を共用のキッチンとしている。
予算的にはフットプリントを大きくして階を少なくした方が圧倒的に有利だが、ここでは その手法をとらず、あえて建物高さが大きくなるような積層のさせ方を取っている。
それは、この環境に対応するためでもあり、クライアントのここに住むという意思表示に他 ならない。
プラン的には非常にシンプルな物であるが、穿つ孔を強調するために壁面はフラットな 鉄板を張り付けている。
そして、その鉄板のモジュールによって、分割された枚数が 51枚ガラス+15枚となり、名前の由来となっている。
それは、ある意 味敷地に余裕があるからかもしれないが、東京のように隣接している感じがあまりしない。
さらに年月が経れば、周辺環 境は激変するであろうが、周囲に埋没せずに、凛と建っていられることを願っている。
location :長野県長野市
site area : 80.56 ㎡
size : 136.46 ㎡
structure : Steel-frame structure
構造設計:大岡 彰/エスフォルム構造設計事務所
This plan lies in the edge part of the area of the landscape conservation project which is done around Nagano station.
Although the client had houses near this, I acknowledged the replacement by the block arrangement at an early stage? Yes, but the given land is a place where I want to tilt my head as to whether it will be formed as a house.
In Tokyo, it is the site area of the narrow housing level that is becoming more common, but considering the regional nature of Nagano, it is not yet general.
In addition, there are several huge buildings in the vicinity,? It is not very residential scale.
Moreover, as it is in the process of development, it is visible that we will change rapidly.
I am designing the subject of design as to how to make a deal with such surrounding environment.
Buildingly, three floors are prepared except for the warehouse, and it is layered as one floor one room.
Currently there are few families, but there are things in the future as well, and we are planning to have two household houses, the first floor is the parent household, the third floor is the son’s second floor as the shared kitchen.
In terms of budget, increasing the footprint and reducing the floor is overwhelmingly advantageous, but here I do not take that approach and I’m taking a way to make the stacking that will dare to increase the building height.
It is also to respond to this environment, it is nothing but a manifestation of intention that the client lives here.
Furthermore, I pierced a hole like an air garden in the middle (not to say very much).
Consideration is given to how to enter into problems in two-family houses by sharing this with the main entrance.
Although it is a very simple thing in terms of a plan, on the wall to emphasize the hole to be drilled? A flat iron plate is attached.
And, depending on the module of the iron plate, the number of divided pieces is 51 glass + 15, which is the origin of the name.
When looking at the surrounding building group, each is built like an independent spire.
It may be because there is room on a certain meaning site, but I do not feel that it is adjacent like Tokyo.
This house also shares a way of building to participate in that house.
As the years passed, the surroundings environment will change drastically, but I hope that it will be dignified without being buried in the surroundings.